Lakshadi Guggulu helpful for healing broken bones, fractures, osteophytes removal. It is really an excellent natural formula to enhance calcium deposition on bones. If taken along with calcium supplements, it helps in deposition of calcium at the right place.

Lakshadi Guggul is best herbal remedy for osteoporosis and decreased bone density. It is excellent herbal remedy for weak bones.

Each Tablets contains: Suddha Laksa 25.000 mg and Choorna of Asthisamhrta, Arjuna, Asvangandha, Nagabala Each 25.000 mg and Suddha Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) Exd (Dashamoola Suddha) 125.000 mg. 


2 Tablets twice daily, after meals, with plain water.

80 Tablets


Osteopenia, Low Bone Density, Bone Pains, General Weakness, Inflammatory Conditions, Arthritis, Sciatica, Boils, Hemorrhoids, Sprains, bursitis, muscle aches/cramps,stiffness, carpal tunnel yndrome,myositis, Strained muscles, Swollen joints, Fever, Repetitive motion injury, tendonitis, fibromyalgia.


A Duration of treatment and onset of action with the medicines depends on various factors like severity & symptoms of disease, age & physical conditions of the patient etc. Please contact your Ayurvedic Physician for more information.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals.

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