An Energetic, Rejuvenating and Revitalizing tonic

Ashwagandhadi Lehya alleviates loss of appetite and indigestion. It improves blood circulation to the lungs and can be helpful in prevention of spasms or convulsions. And also useful in Kidney & Bladder Disease.


Ashwagandha (Root), Sariva (Root), Jeera(Fruit), Madhusnuhi(Rt.Tr), Draksha(Fruit), Ela(Seed), Ghrta & Honey.


One teaspoonful twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

200 gms & 400 gms


  • Useful in cough and respiratory discomfort.
  • Improves the complexion, Destroys toxic poisons & Relieves burning sensations.
  • It increases resistance to stress.
  • It reduces superficial inflammation and pain.
  • Apart from kindling appetite, it digests food and normalizes vata in digestive system.
  • Promotes the elimination of toxins & healthy respiration.
  • Supports intestinal immunity, helps control weight and reduce excess kapha & purifies blood.


A Duration of treatment and onset of action with the medicines depends on various factors like severity & symptoms of disease, age & physical conditions of the patient etc. Please contact your Ayurvedic Physician for more information.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals.

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